Our tribute to Jayhawk … hope you like it 

Jayhawk recently left us .. he was well known around Stratford and real character. He did attend some of our Street Arts Project sessions in the past. Last week we decided at one of our sessions to write a song in his honour. Everyone contributed and during the writing of same the guys talked about their own.

Our tribute to Jayhawk … hope you like it

How are the latest Music Workshops going?

The new songwriting project is well under way. Both groups full of creativity with great banter.
Respect, honesty, understanding to the fore.
Today we wrote a song about lifestyle choices.
It’s dedicated to Suella Braverman !

An afternoon of quality music

Big thanks to Stein, the Boss Acoustic guys and the audience for their generous donations during farewell concert at The URC. The tidy sum of £135 was raised for Street Arts Project.  An afternoon of quality music from the coolest of cats for all you groovy people.

“To Rhyme or not to Rhyme?”

On a wet and windy Wednesday SPOZ aka Giovanni Spoz Esposito ran a  fun workshop “To Rhyme or not to Rhyme?” at the Fred Winters Centre for Fred Winter and Street Arts Project clients.

A great turnout with everybody fully engaged. The quality of work was staggering. The sharing and the way the group supported each other was quite remarkable. Spoz is a genius.

Thank you to everybody who helped make this possible includingthe Fred Winter Centre.

Poetry Class at FWC

20 September 2023

Recovery – about the tracks…Make Time

Hey guys, hope you’ve been enjoying the sunny weather and that Recovery has been spinning on your CD players and playlists! We thought we’d feature each song weekly so you can get a little glimpse into the writing and recording sessions that went with each track. First up – Make Time.
The opening song from ‘Recovery’, Street Arts Project’s third album is an anthem for self care.
‘Make Time’ promotes the message of recognising what each of us need to stay healthy in body and mind and remembering to fit that in to our busy lives.
As with each of the group songs on the record, the lyrics are all from things that members shared in our writing sessions. For Phil it was important to make time for friends. For many of us it was vital to go outside and spend time in nature – something that gets more difficult in those winter months. For Katie it was making time to do activities with family and loved ones that was important. For Richard life’s not always a bed of roses but it’s what you make of it, whether that’s good or bad, happy or sad. We also discussed how spending time doing things that we loved, like art, hobbies, sport, and of course making music was all important for our well-being. Listen out for the group gospel hand claps which were a highlight of the recording sessions for everyone!
Fun fact: this is the only time you’ll hear Street Arts Project founder Doug Armstrong perform a line in a song as he stays true to his hippy roots and sings ‘go and hug a tree’! It was during the vocal recording session for this track that the group managed to twist his arm enough to step up to the mic. Doug is a huge lover of music and no stranger to speaking at SAP events but to sing into a mic when the recording light is on, as our group members will tell you, is a very different thing!