Photos from Stratford Playhouse rehearsal 24 August
Listen to Jack (Street Arts Project Musician) talking about his work over the last 12 months
Listen to Jack (Street Arts Project Musician) talking about his work over the last 12 months on the new Street Arts Project Album ‘Recovery’ and for the upcomming Street Arts Concert on Saturday 2nd September . Street Arts Project peform their songs from their latest Album. New Album on sale at concert. Background Music is from new Album – Recovery About Street Arts: Poster: Book ticket:
Press Release – Street Arts Project will be self-releasing their third album, ‘Recovery’ on September 1st.
Street Arts Project, a local community group in Stratford upon Avon, will be self-releasing their third album, ‘Recovery’ on September 1st .
Street Arts Project is a non-profit charity that works with vulnerable adults and those with lived experience of homelessness in the Stratford upon Avon area and was set up by Jackie Lines and Doug Armstrong.
The lyrics for all the songs were written by participants at Street Arts Project workshops, developed through conversation and sharing amongst the group and reflecting their experiences and viewpoints. The words and performances recorded also reflect the friendships and fun that these sessions have nurtured.
The album will feature 10 songs, collaboratively written by the group in workshops settings, led by songwriters and musicians Jack Blackman and Wes Finch, collaborating with Katherine Abbott, Jono Wright and Geoff Carr.
The first single from the album will be the title track Recovery, which reflects the questions and struggles we all have on our personal journeys through life.
On September 2nd SA Project will launch the album with a (free) concert at The Playhouse Theatre in Stratford, a venue which has been supportive of the project. The night will feature live music from Jen Waghorn, Karl Wheeler and the Street Arts Band and group members singing and playing their work.
The overall project has been funded by Stratford Town Trust.
For further information and photography contact Doug Armstrong on 07772568175
Press Release – Street Arts Project music concert on Saturday 2nd September at the Playhouse
‘Street Arts Project’, a local community group that supports vulnerable and homeless people in Stratford, will be presenting the project’s free music concert on Saturday 2nd September at the Playhouse.
The gig is the culmination of all the songs that have been written and devised by the songwriting workshop participants over the past year.
Run by Doug Armstrong, and supported by Street Arts Project professional musicians Wes Finch, Jack Blackman and local musicians Jono Wright and Katherine Abbott, the sessions aim to offer everyone a chance to share their life experiences, difficulties, and hopes through music.
Jack Blackman said “It is deeply moving and inspirational to be part of the workshops. The projects work towards improving participants’ wellbeing and sense of inclusion.’’
Funded by Stratford Town Trust, the workshops’ objectives are to help those with mental health issues, those suffering from isolation and exclusion.
Doug Armstrong said:-
“The concert is a huge achievement for the guys who will brave it onto the stage and perform their own songs, backed by some of the best musicians in the area. It gives them a voice, raises self-esteem and is a fantastic way to share their stories. All the artists provide their time free of charge, so it is a real ‘care in the community’ event.”
The concert is free of charge as it is part of the funded project.
This year, Streets Arts Project is proud to be one of the Mayor’s charities and donations raised will go directly to support the vulnerable. The new CD, Street Arts Project 3rd, produced from the workshops, will also be on sale to help raise funds.
Tickets are free so just turn up at the Playhouse and demand is always high. Doors open at 7.15pm for 8pm start.
For further information and photography contact Doug Armstrong on 07772568175
Rhyme, Limericks and Laughs in verse with SPOZ – Wednesday September 20th 1-4pm
Listen to Wes (Street Arts Project Song Writer) talking about his work over the last 12 months on the new Street Arts Project Album
Listen to Wes (Street Arts Project Song Writer) talking about his work over the last 12 months on the new Street Arts Project Album ‘Recovery’ and for the upcomming Street Arts Concert on Saturday 2nd September.
Music concert set to put homelessness centre stage in Stratford
Stratford Observer
Music concert set to put homelessness centre stage in Stratford
Concert Collaboration Raises Over £800 for Local Good Cause
Full story by El PriorContributor to Warwickshire World
Published 16th Aug 2023, 09:50 BST
Listen to Doug (Street Arts Project Music Facilitator) talking about…
Listen to Doug (Street Arts Project Music Facilitator) talking about the Music Workshops and the upcomming Street Arts Concert on Saturday 2nd September .
More videos to follow before concert.