Street Arts Music

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Street Arts Project music concert at the Playhouse on Saturday 2nd September 2023

On September 2nd SA Project  launched their new  album with a (free) concert at The Playhouse Theatre in Stratford, a venue which has been supportive of the project.  The night featured live music from Jen Waghorn, Karl Wheeler and the Street Arts Band and group members singing and playing their work.

Concert Video:

Concert Photos:

Street Arts Project Stratford PlayHouse Concert - 2nd September 2023

Full press release:

Street Arts Project relesed their third album, ‘Recovery’ on Friday September 1st  2023

The lyrics for all the songs were written by participants at Street Arts Project workshops, developed through conversation and sharing amongst the group and reflecting their experiences and viewpoints. The words and performances recorded also reflect the friendships and fun that these sessions have nurtured.

The album features 10 songs, collaboratively written by the group in workshops settings, led by songwriters and musicians Jack Blackman and Wes Finch, collaborating with Katherine Abbott, Jono Wright and Geoff Carr.

Full press release: 

Concert Collaboration Raises Over £800 for Local Good Cause 27th July 2023

Ful story at:

Concert for New Chapters 4th March 2023

Street Arts Project held a concert to raise funds for a new charity that aims to support for people with addiction issues. The gig was at the Bear Pit Theatre on Friday, 3rd March, for the Leamington-based New Chapters.

Full story at:

Kicking off 2022 in fine fashion, the Street Arts Project Live show, hosted at the Stratford PlayHouse was a great success on Saturday 15th January. Showcasing the work done over the lockdown period, it was a wonderful night in front of a welcoming crowd, and showed just how much these musicians have progressed as a group since the last live show.

Video from Concert:

Photographs from Concert:

Street Arts Project Concert 150122

Wake Me Up Tomorrow and is the culmination of workshops run by the charity Street Arts Project which gave people from all walks of life the chance to team up with professional musicians to create their own album. The album was released on 14th January 2022

The latest Album to hit the streets is Wake Me Up Tomorrow and is the culmination of workshops run by the charity Street Arts Project which gave people from all walks of life the chance to team up with professional musicians to create their own album. The album was released on 14th January 2022.  Co-founder of Street Arts Project, Doug Armstrong, told the Herald: “We ran over 45 sessions, each about two-and-a-half hours, at the Play House because there was nowhere else at the time. As we’re partly funded by Stratford Town Trust, the Play House was extremely supportive of us and wanted to help. We ended up with about 15 people over the course of the workshops, with a group of regulars, and a lot of people contributed.

Isolation link 2020.  Street Arts Project is very proud to announce the release of the new collaborative music video for “Isolation”. Featuring no less than 29 different musicians, the video has already created quite a stir and got some lovely feedback from all over social media.

A beautiful anti-war song  released August 14, 2020. Although Street Arts were in lockdown, they were still in close communication with many of their users. These songs were all written and recorded remotely!

The Stratford Link Project Hope.  2018. You can also enjoy the music from the last full album CD release from the Street Arts Project, recorded back when the music group was known as the Stratford Link Project.  Tracks include:  All Gonna Get There In The End, Spring Blizzard Blues, Hospital Cafe, Space Age, The Witch And The Mill, Wolves At The Door, Paul The Spreader, Enjoy The Ride, Zombie Walking.

Download the track link or bandcamp link

Support us – visit our Crowfunder page link


Street Arts Project is very proud to announce the release of the new collaborative music video for “Isolation”. Featuring no less than 29 different musicians, the video has already created quite a stir and got some lovely feedback from all over social media.

The musicians on the track are: Nigel Clark (Dodgy), Wes Finch, Jack Blackman, Dan Hartland, Marion Fleetwood,  Pete Wearn, Euan Blackman, Sean Macreavy, Chessi O’Dowd, Joe Martin, Mia Rose, Ben Haines, Jay Riley, Laurel McIntosh, Louis Scheuer, Jen Waghorn, Jon Doran, Rebecca Hallworth, Rikki Hansel, Rob Bent, Mark Shields, plus Doug, Pat, Laurence and Jonas from Street Arts. It was mixed by Dom James.

The aim of the project is to help raise funds to continue support for Stratford’s homeless and vulnerable, who are struggling even more so than usual in these lockdown conditions.

So please download the track, help us reach our Crowdfunder target, and stay tuned for reports on how your money is helping those who need it most.

Watch online: